Ich hab hier so eine Art "USB" Stick mit dem ich in den Laden um die Ecke gehe und kaufe den Strom. Dieser Stick wird aufgeladen und den muss ich dann in den Zählerkasten reinmachen. So sieht das ganze aus:
Mehr zu Strom in England
Yahoo!! International Lottery OrganizationBangkok Branch OfficeAddress: 3 Sukhumvit LaneBangkok 10400 Thailand
Yahoo! Mail announces you as one of the 25 lucky winners of the ongoing 10 Years Yahoo lottery Award of the New Year Held this month.
All 25 winning email addresses were randomly selected from a batch of 50,000,000 international emails each from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually, consequently, you have been approved for a total pay out of ONE MILLION UNITED STATE DOLLARS ( $1, 000. 000.00USD).
This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some multinational companies as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the communities where they have operational base.
Further more your details (e-mail address) falls within our Bangkok representative office in Bangkok Thailand, as indicated in your play coupon and your prize of ( $1, 000.000.00USD) will be released to you from this regional branch office in Bangkok Thailand.
Your fund is now deposited with our Bank:Kasikorn Bank Pcl. Bangkok Thailand and insured in your name. Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been processed, and your winning Cheque have being sent to you or remitted to your account, as this is part of our security protocol, to avoid double claiming and unwarranted taking of advantage of this program by participants, as has happened in the past.
HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZEThese are your identification numbers.Ticket number.....................154-12872774-09 Serial number.......................21370-7 Lucky number...................27-50-23-94-66-40 Ref number...................Y.TILB/6362362114/26
To begin your lottery claims, Please contact our Yahoo Lottery Co-ordinator as follows,Name: Mr. Mark ChangEmail: redem_info2012@yahoo.co.jpTel: : +(66)835-486-4212Office Fax: +(66)262-382-622
You are to send the completed verification form below to the co-ordinator whose email address is given above so that you will be advised on what to do to get your prize money. Congratulations once more!!1. FULL NAME:................................ 2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN:............3. PRESENT ADDRESS:..............4. DATE OF BIRTH:.....................5.OCCUPATION;.......................... 6.TELEPHONE NUMBER:.........7. SEX:......................................... 8. FAX NUMBER:......................9. MARITAL STATUS:.............10. WINNING NUMBER, BATCH NUMBER AND LOTTO NUMBER:.......
Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later than one month time. Any claim not made by this date (within one month) will be returned to HER MAJESTYS DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. And also be informed that 10% of your lottery winning belongs to (THE PROMOTIONS COMPANY). Because they are the company that bought your ticket and played the lottery in your name.
Note also that this 10% will be remitted after you have received your winnings prize, because the money is insured in your name already.
NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in all correspondences with us, Furthermore, should there be any change of address, please do inform our Co-ordinator as soon as possible. Yahoo lottery is a free service that does not require you to be a Yahoo! Registered user.
An original copy of your lucky winning ticket and your deposit certificate will be sent to you by Administrative Remittance Operation Manager of Kasikorn Bank Pcl. Bangkok Thailand.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!Once again from all members of our staff and thank you for being a part of our International Promotions program.We wish you continued good fortunes.
Yours SincerelyVice PresidentYahoo! Lotto Org.Online Coordinator.Copyright! 2002-2012 The Yahoo-Thailland Internet Promotions.All rights reserved. Terms of Service - Guidelines.
10: Ich entwickle irgendeine Software mit der Hoffnung damit irgdendwann mal Geld machen zu können.
20: Ich verliere die Lust und suche etwas Neues.
30: Ich baue irgendwelche Seiten und bewerbe Produkte (Affiliate, Adsense)
40: Viel Arbeit, kaum Ergebnisse.
50: Ich suche nach einem Webdeveloper Job und arbeite dort eine Weile.
60: Irgendwann wird es mir zu bunt, Mitarbeiter nerven, früh aufstehen nervt, ganzen Tag coden nervt, Die Arbeit ist langweilig oder zu schwer.
70: Ich überlege ob ich für den Job als Webdeveloper überhaupt geeignet bin und suche mir einen "normalen" Job als Bauhelfer, Fahrer, Lagerist...
80: Ich arbeite in dem Job eine Weile. Stehe jeden Tag um 5 Uhr auf. Das frühe Aufstehen ist eine Garantie für mich, den ganzen Tag mies gelaunt zu sein. Schufte mal passiv mal körperlich schwer mit dem Gedanken "Was mach ich hier eigentlich?", Ich bin doch kein Sklave sondern Programmierer!
90: GOTO 10